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Natural harmonies with the collection of recycled fabrics from Sunbrella

Inspiration's type : Ambiences Published at: 2024-09-20

Immerse yourself in a world where design and elegance meet with our collection of recycled fabrics from Sunbrella. Perfectly aligned with current trends and the growing need for responsible consumption, our four ranges – Heritage, Harvest, Slow, and Source – offer a palette of colors inspired by nature, ideal for those seeking to create spaces that are both aesthetic and sustainable.

The magic of mix-and-match: an ode to greens

The natural, rich, and soothing tones of our collection find their pinnacle in a composition where green dominates. At the starting point of this chromatic exploration, the Heritage Alpine shade stands as a solid foundation. Its deep tone, reminiscent of forest undergrowth, embodies both the serenity and vitality of nature.

Pair it with other shades of green found in the Harvest, Source, and Slow ranges for a sophisticated and harmonious palette. For instance, the Harvest stripe adds a geometric touch to the ensemble, creating balance within the composition. The pearled texture of the Slow fabrics, on the other hand, adds a tactile dimension that enriches the overall design.

The perfect balance: the art of complementarity

The essence of our collection lies in its ability to combine fluidly. Each range, though distinct in texture, is designed to integrate harmoniously with the others. It is this dialogue between materials and colors that allows for interiors that are both welcoming and original. The shades of green, from deep to delicate, respond to and complement one another, enabling everyone to play with contrasts.

A responsible commitment, unparalleled style

By choosing Sunbrella fabrics, you are making more than just an aesthetic choice: you are committing to a responsible approach. The fabrics in the Endless Stories collection are made with up to 50% recycled fibers, without compromising on quality or durability. They are designed to withstand the test of time, no matter the application.

Create inspiring spaces where every element integrates with purpose and coherence. Let yourself be seduced by the richness of the greens in our collection and design an interior that reflects your personality.

With Sunbrella, let nature guide your inspiration.

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