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CALEEPSO, the solar protection energy savings calculator


CALEEPSO, the solar protection energy savings calculator


Published on 2024-06-20 - Company
Solar protection

It's the first online simulator that lets you calculate, free of charge and in just a few clicks, the energy savings achieved in a residential building thanks to solar protection and its automation.   

Created by the Actibaie group (Syndicat professionnel ses filières stores et volets), this software for professionals and private individuals dynamically estimates the thermal behavior of a building, in line with RE 2020.

Expressed in kilowatts or euros, the simulator calculates not only the annual energy savings achieved, but also the average reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Caleepso also calculates the comfort gains achievable with shutters and blinds, based on the summer comfort principle of the new RE 2020 regulation.

Four simulation criteria

The room simulated corresponds to the living room of a semi-detached dwelling on all facades, the glazed facade being the only one in contact with the outside.

The simulation is then carried out according to 4 criteria:

  • Orientation

Seven orientations have been defined to take into account the exact level of sunlight. It should be noted that the northern façade is the least exposed to the sun, and is therefore not simulated, as the energy gains achievable with solar protection are minimal.

  • Glazing type

The two most common types of glazing used in residential buildings today were taken into account in the study. Either C glazing according to EN 14501, standard 4/16/4 double glazing.

or B glazing according to EN 14501, 4/12/4 double glazing, i.e. the first generation of double glazing, typical of the 1975-1990 period. This is a decisive factor, since the thickness between the two panes and the presence of gases such as oxygen or argon improve the thermal performance of the glazing

  • Climate zones

The study is based on eight French weather stations, chosen to correspond to the eight climate zones defined in the RE 2020 regulation

  • Solar protection

The first thing to consider is :

  • the product itself (roller shutter, blind, brise-soleil), both exterior and interior

  • the colors of the equipment, which are associated with the solar factors of the products, ranked from the most efficient to the least efficient from a thermal point of view (our comfort classes can be found on our Dickson Designer simulation tool?)

  • the solar protection management mode (manual/motorized or automatic). The former requires user action (winch, chain, strap, remote control or switch), while the latter is controlled by a home automation system.


The simulator reminds us that solar protection placed on the outside is more effective, providing better insulation of the glazed wall and further reducing overheating in summer.

Projection to 2040

At the end of the simulation, the software uses building heating calculation algorithms to express four results:

  • The energy saved (in kWh) with solar shading compared to a reference situation without solar shading.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions avoided, calculated on the basis of the energy saved.
  • The level of thermal discomfort (in HD) calculated in the home. This is the new indicator used in RE 2020, corresponding to the number of degree-hours above a comfort temperature set at 28°C during the day and 26°C at night.

  • The maximum operating temperature recorded in the room equipped with solar protection.

The tool offers two detailed scenarios (summer + winter balance, summer comfort and winter comfort).

The first, based on the average climate recorded by Météo France over the last 10 years (2009-2019), corresponds to today's climate.

The second is a projection to 2040.

The tool then lets you download and share the results in PDF format. Note that the information displayed corresponds to simulations based on fixed assumptions. They therefore give an indication of the potential energy savings that could be achieved, but cannot be used for an actual study.

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